- Download latest Voximplant Unity SDK from GitHub Releases
- In Unity Editor, select Assets > Import Package > Custom Package... Navigate to the directory where you downloaded the Voximplant Unity SDK and select
. - Import all assets in the package.
To get started, you'll need to register a free Voximplant developer account.
IClient is the main class of the SDK that provides access to Voximplant’s functions, the VoximplantSdk.GetClient()
method is used to get its instance:
_client = VoximplantSdk.GetClient();
_client.Connected += ClientOnConnected;
_client.LoginSuccess += ClientOnLoginSuccess;
The IClient.State
property is used to get the current state of connection to the Voximplant cloud and perform the actions according to it.
private void LoginWithPassword(string login, string password) {
_login = login;
_password = password;
if (_client.State == ClientState.Disconnected)
else if (_client.State == ClientState.Connected)
_client.Login(_login, _password);
private void ClientOnConnected(IClient sender)
_client.Login(_login, _password);
private void ClientOnLoginSuccess(IClient sender, LoginSuccessEventArgs e)
_displayName = e.DisplayName;
To initiate a call we need the IClient.Call()
method. There is a CallSettings
class which could contain custom data and extra headers (SIP headers).
Since the call can behave in different ways, there is a group of call events. They can be triggered by the ICall
instance as the class contains all the functionality for call management.
private ICall MakeAudioCall(string number)
var call = _client.Call(number, new CallSettings());
if (call == null) return null;
call.Disconnected += OnCallDisconnected;
call.Failed += OnCallFailed;
call.Connected += OnCallConnected;
call.Ringing += OnCallRinging;
call.AudioStarted += OnCallAudioStarted;
return call;
private void OnCallConnected(ICall sender, CallConnectedEventArgs e)
Debug.Log("Call connected");
event handler is used to get incoming calls.
There are two methods for an incoming call: answer and reject. An audio stream can be sent only after the answer method call.
VoximplantSdk.GetClient().IncomingCall += OnIncomingCall;
private void OnIncomingCall(IClient sender, IncomingCallEventArgs e)
sender.Answer(new CallSettings());
Call can be put on/off hold
_call.Hold(true, error =>
if (error != null)
- Supported Unity versions 2020, 2019 (LTS) and 2018 (LTS)
- Android Multithreaded and Vulkan rendering are unsupported
- iOS OpenGL rendering is unsupported