- Module Description - What the module does and why it is useful
- Setup - The basics of getting started with puppet-nfs
- Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
- Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
- Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
- Development - Guide for contributing to the module
This module installs, configures and manages everything on NFS clients and servers.
This module is a complete refactor of the module haraldsk/nfs, because Harald Skoglund sadly is not maintaining his module actively anymore. It is stripped down to use only the class 'nfs' and parametrized to act as a server, client or both with the parameters 'server_enabled' and 'client_enabled'. It also has some dependencies on newer stdlib functions like 'difference'.
It supports the OS Families Ubuntu, Debian, Redhat, SUSE, Gentoo and Archlinux. It supports also Strict Variables, so if you pass all OS specific parameters correctly it should work on your preferred OS too. Feedback, bugreports, and feature requests are always welcome, visit https://github.com/voxpupuli/puppet-nfs or send me an email.
When you are using a puppet version 3.x like it is shipped with Redhat Satellite 6, please use a version 1.x.x from puppet forge or the branch puppet3 when cloning directly from Github. (Note: #49 (comment)). I'll recommend using puppet >= 4.6.1, puppet versions up until 4.6.0 had various issues.
If you want to contribute, please do a fork on github, create a branch "feature name" with your features and do a pull request.
Warning: I've introduced new dependencies with version 2.1.0 which were needed to fix buggy rpcbind-socket restarting with systemd:
- puppetlabs/transition
- herculesteam/augeasproviders_core
- herculesteam/augeasproviders_shellvar
This module can be used to configure your nfs client and/or server, it could export nfs mount resources via storeconfigs or simply mount nfs shares on a client. You can also easily use the create_resources function when you store your exports i.e. via hiera.
This Module depends on puppetlabs-stdlib >= 4.5.0 and puppetlabs-concat >= 1.1.2, you need to have these modules installed to use puppet-nfs module.
On a nfs server the following code is sufficient to get all packages installed and services running to use nfs:
node server {
class { '::nfs':
server_enabled => true,
On a client the following code is sufficient:
node server {
class { '::nfs':
client_enabled => true,
This will export /data_folder on the server and automagically mount it on client.
node server {
class { '::nfs':
server_enabled => true
nfs::server::export{ '/data_folder':
ensure => 'mounted',
clients => ',insecure,async,no_root_squash) localhost(rw)'
# By default, mounts are mounted in the same folder on the clients as
# they were exported from on the server
node client {
class { '::nfs':
client_enabled => true,
Nfs::Client::Mount <<| |>>
This will mount /data on client in /share/data.
node client {
class { '::nfs':
server_enabled => false,
client_enabled => true,
nfs_v4_client => true,
nfs_v4_idmap_domain => $::domain,
nfs::client::mount { '/share/data':
server => '',
share => 'data',
node server1 {
class { '::nfs':
server_enabled => true,
nfs::server::export { '/data_folder':
ensure => 'mounted',
clients => ',insecure,async,no_root_squash) localhost(rw)',
nfs::server::export { '/homeexport':
ensure => 'mounted',
clients => ',insecure,async,root_squash)',
mount => '/srv/home',
node server2 {
class { '::nfs':
server_enabled => true,
# ensure is passed to mount, which will make the client not mount it
# the directory automatically, just add it to fstab
nfs::server::export { '/media_library':
ensure => 'present',
nfstag => 'media',
clients => ',insecure,async,no_root_squash) localhost(rw)',
node client {
class { '::nfs':
client_enabled => true,
Nfs::Client::Mount <<| |>>
# Using a storeconfig override, to change ensure option, so we mount
# all shares
node greedy_client {
class { '::nfs':
client_enabled => true,
Nfs::Client::Mount <<| |>> {
ensure => 'mounted',
# only the mount tagged as media
# also override mount point
node media_client {
class { '::nfs':
client_enabled => true,
Nfs::Client::Mount <<| nfstag == 'media' |>> {
ensure => 'mounted',
mount => '/import/media',
# All @@nfs::server::mount storeconfigs can be filtered by parameters
# Also all parameters can be overridden (not that it's smart to do
# so).
# Check out the doc on exported resources for more info:
# http://docs.puppetlabs.com/guides/exported_resources.html
node single_server_client {
class { '::nfs':
client_enabled => true,
Nfs::Client::Mount <<| server == 'server1' |>> {
ensure => 'absent',
# We use the $::domain fact for the Domain setting in
# /etc/idmapd.conf.
# For NFSv4 to work this has to be equal on servers and clients
# set it manually if unsure.
# All nfsv4 exports are bind mounted into /export/$mount_name
# and mounted on /srv/$mount_name on the client.
# Both values can be overridden through parameters both globally
# and on individual nodes.
node server {
file { ['/data_folder', '/homeexport']:
ensure => 'directory',
class { '::nfs':
server_enabled => true,
nfs_v4 => true,
nfs_v4_idmap_domain => 'example.com',
nfs_v4_export_root => '/export',
nfs_v4_export_root_clients => '*(rw,fsid=0,insecure,no_subtree_check,async,no_root_squash)',
nfs::server::export { '/data_folder':
ensure => 'mounted',
clients => '*(rw,insecure,async,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check)',
nfs::server::export { '/homeexport':
ensure => 'mounted',
clients => '*(rw,insecure,async,root_squash,no_subtree_check)',
mount => '/srv/home',
# By default, mounts are mounted in the same folder on the clients as
# they were exported from on the server
node client {
class { '::nfs':
client_enabled => true,
nfs_v4_client => true,
Nfs::Client::Mount <<| |>>
# We can also mount the NFSv4 Root directly through nfs::client::mount::nfsv4::root.
# By default /srv will be used for as mount point, but can be overriden through
# the 'mounted' option.
node client2 {
$server = 'server'
class { '::nfs':
client_enabled => true,
nfs_v4_client => true,
Nfs::Client::Mount::Nfs_v4::Root <<| server == $server |>> {
mount => "/srv/${server}",
# and on individual nodes.
node server {
class { '::nfs':
server_enabled => true,
nfs_v4 => true,
# Below are defaults
nfs_v4_idmap_domain => $::domain,
nfs_v4_export_root => '/export',
# Default access settings of /export root
nfs_v4_export_root_clients =>
nfs::server::export { '/data_folder':
# These are the defaults
ensure => 'mounted',
# rbind or bind mounting of folders bindmounted into /export
# google it
bind => 'rbind',
# everything below here is propogated by to storeconfigs
# to clients
# Directory where we want export mounted on client
mount => undef,
remounts => false,
atboot => false,
# Don't remove that option, but feel free to add more.
options_nfs => '_netdev',
# If set will mount share inside /srv (or overridden mount_root)
# and then bindmount to another directory elsewhere in the fs -
# for fanatics.
bindmount => undef,
# Used to identify a catalog item for filtering by by
# storeconfigs, kick ass.
nfstag => 'kick-ass',
# copied directly into /etc/exports as a string, for simplicity
clients => ',insecure,no_subtree_check,async,no_root_squash)',
node client {
class { '::nfs':
client_enabled => true,
nfs_v4_client => true,
nfs_v4_idmap_domain => $::domain,
nfs_v4_mount_root => '/srv',
# We can as you by now know, override options set on the server
# on the client node.
# Be careful. Don't override mount points unless you are sure
# that only one export will match your filter!
Nfs::Client::Mount <<| nfstag == 'kick-ass' |>> {
# Directory where we want export mounted on client
mount => undef,
remounts => false,
atboot => false,
# Don't remove that option, but feel free to add more.
options_nfs => '_netdev',
# If set will mount share inside /srv (or overridden mount_root)
# and then bindmount to another directory elsewhere in the fs -
# for fanatics.
bindmount => undef,
Hiera Server Role:
- nfs
nfs::server_enabled: true
nfs::client_enabled: false
nfs::nfs_v4: true
nfs::nfs_v4_idmap_domain: %{::domain}
nfs::nfs_v4_export_root: '/share'
nfs::nfs_v4_export_root_clients: ',fsid=root,insecure,no_subtree_check,async,no_root_squash)'
/var/www: {}
/var/smb: {}
Hiera Client Role:
- nfs
nfs::client_enabled: true
nfs::nfs_v4_client: true
nfs::nfs_v4_idmap_domain: %{::domain}
nfs::nfs_v4_mount_root: '/share'
nfs::nfs_server: 'nfs-server-fqdn'
node server {
$nfs_exports_global = hiera_hash('nfs::nfs_exports_global', false)
$defaults_nfs_exports = {
ensure => 'mounted',
clients => ',insecure,no_subtree_check,async,no_root_squash)',
nfstag => $::fqdn,
if $nfs_exports_global {
create_resources('::nfs::server::export', $nfs_exports_global, $defaults_nfs_exports)
node client {
$nfs_server = hiera('nfs::nfs_server', false)
if $nfs_server {
Nfs::Client::Mount <<| nfstag == $nfs_server |>>
: Main class, includes all other classes
: Handles all mounts on a nfs client.nfs::server::export
: Handles all nfs exports on a nfs server.
: Includes all relevant classes for configuring as a client. -
: Handles the configuration files. -
: Handles the packages. -
: Handles the services. -
: Includes all relevant classes for configuring as a server. -
: Handles the configuration files. -
: Handles the packages. -
: Handles the services. -
: Includes all os specific parameters.
: Creates the bindmounts of nfs 3 exports.nfs::nfsv4_bindmount
: Creates the bindmounts of nfs 4 exports.nfs::create_export
: Creates the nfs exports.nfs::mkdir
: Creates directories recursive.
The following parameters are available in the ::nfs
String. Controls if the managed resources shall be present or absent. If set to absent:
- The managed software packages are being uninstalled.
- Any traces of the packages will be purged as good as possible. This may
include existing configuration files. The exact behavior is provider
dependent. Q.v.:
- Puppet type reference: {package, "purgeable"}[http://j.mp/xbxmNP]
- {Puppet's package provider source code}[http://j.mp/wtVCaL]
- System modifications (if any) will be reverted as good as possible (e.g. removal of created users, services, changed log settings, ...).
- This is thus destructive and should be used with care. Defaults to present.
Boolean. If set to true, this module will configure the node to act as a nfs server.
Boolean. If set to true, this module will configure the node to act as a nfs client, you can use the exported mount resources from configured servers.
Boolean. If set to false, this module will not export any resources as storeconfigs. Defaults to true.
Boolean. If set to true, this module will use nfs version 4 for exporting and mounting nfs resources. It defaults to true.
Boolean. If set to true, this module will use nfs version 4 for mounting nfs resources. If set to false it will use nfs version 3 to mount nfs resources. It defaults to true.
String. It defines the location of the file with the nfs export resources used by the nfs server.
String. It defines the location of the file with the idmapd settings.
String. It defines the location of the file with the nfs settings.
Boolean. It defines if the packages should be managed through this module
Array. It defines the packages needed to be installed for acting as a nfs server
String. It defines the packages state - any of present, installed, absent, purged, held, latest
Array. It defines the packages needed to be installed for acting as a nfs client
String. It defines the packages state - any of present, installed, absent, purged, held, latest
Boolean. Defines if module should manage server_service
Boolean. Defines if module should manage server_servicehelper
Boolean. Defines if module should manage client_service
String. It defines the servicename of the nfs server service
Boolean. It defines the service parameter ensure for nfs server services.
Boolean. It defines the service parameter enable for nfs server service.
Boolean. It defines the service parameter hasrestart for nfs server service.
Boolean. It defines the service parameter hasstatus for nfs server service.
String. It defines the service parameter restart for nfs server service.
Array. It defines the service helper like idmapd for servers configured with nfs version 4.
Nested Hash. It defines the servicenames need to be started when acting as a nfs client
Nested Hash. It defines the servicenames need to be started when acting as a nfs client version 4.
Boolean. It defines the service parameter hasrestart for nfs client services.
Boolean. It defines the service parameter hasstatus for nfs client services.
Array. It defines the Augeas parameter added in defaults_file
when acting as a nfs
version 4 client.
String. It defines the name of the nfs filesystem, when adding entries to /etc/fstab on a client node.
String. It defines the options for the nfs filesystem, when adding entries to /etc/fstab on a client node.
String. It defines the name of the nfs version 4 filesystem, when adding entries to /etc/fstab on a client node.
String. It defines the options for the nfs version 4filesystem, when adding entries to /etc/fstab on a client node.
String. It defines the location where nfs version 4 exports should be bindmounted to on a server node. Defaults to /export.
String. It defines the clients that are allowed to mount nfs version 4 exports and includes the option string. Defaults to *.${::domain}(ro,fsid=root,insecure,no_subtree_check,async,root_squash).
String. It defines the location where nfs version 4 clients find the mount root on a server node. Defaults to /srv.
String. It defines the name of the idmapd domain setting in idmapd_file
to be set to the same value on a server and client node to do correct uid and gid
mapping. Defaults to $::domain.
Boolean. It defines if the module should create a bindmount for the export. Defaults to true.
Boolean. If true, sets NEED_GSSD=yes in /etc/defauls/nfs-common, usable on Debian/Ubuntu
Boolean. If true enable rpc-gssd service.
String. Options for rpc-gssd service. Defaults to ''
Boolean. If enabled, workaround for passing gssd_options which is broken on Debian 9. Usable only on Debian 9
String or Array. 'Local-Realms' option for idmapd. Defaults to ''
Integer. 'Cache-Expiration' option for idmapd. Defaults to 0 - unused.
Boolean. Enable setting Nobody mapping in idmapd. Defaults to false.
String. 'Nobody-User' option for idmapd. Defaults to nobody.
String. 'Nobody-Group' option for idmapd. Defaults to nobody or nogroup.
String. It defines the location of the file with the rpcbind config.
String. It defines the name of env variable that holds the rpcbind config. E.g. OPTIONS for Debian
String. Options for rpcbind service.
The following parameters are available in the ::nfs::client::mount
String. Sets the ip address of the server with the nfs export
String. Sets the name of the nfs share on the server
String. Sets the ensure parameter of the mount.
String. Sets the remounts parameter of the mount.
String. Sets the atboot parameter of the mount.
String. Sets the mount options for a nfs version 4 mount.
String. Sets the mount options for a nfs mount.
String. When not undef it will create a bindmount on the node for the nfs mount.
String. Sets the nfstag parameter of the mount.
Boolean. When set to true, it uses nfs version 4 to mount a share.
String. Set owner of mount dir
String. Set group of mount dir
String. Set mode of mount dir
String. Overwrite mount root if differs from server config
The following parameters are available in the ::nfs::server::export
String. Sets the allowed clients and options for the export in the exports file. Defaults to localhost(ro)
String. Sets the bind options setted in /etc/fstab for the bindmounts created.
Defaults to rbind. When you have any submounts in your exported folders,
the rbind option will submount them in the bindmount folder. You have to set the
option in your nfs export to have the submounts from rbind available
on your client. Your export should look like this:
node client {
nfs::server::export { '/home':
ensure => 'mounted',
clients => '*(rw,insecure,no_subtree_check,async,no_root_squash,crossmnt)',
String. If enabled the mount will be created. Defaults to mounted
String. Sets the remounts parameter of the mount.
String. Sets the atboot parameter of the mount.
String. Sets the mount options for a nfs version 4 exported resource mount.
String. Sets the mount options for a nfs exported resource mount.
String. When not undef it will create a bindmount on the node for the nfs mount.
String. Sets the nfstag parameter of the mount.
String. Sets the mountpoint the client will mount the exported resource mount on. If undef it defaults to the same path as on the server
String. Sets the owner of the exported directory
String. Sets the group of the exported directory
String. Sets the permissions of the exported directory.
puppetlabs/stdlib >= 4.5.0 puppetlabs/concat >= 1.1.2
facter > 1.6.2 puppet > 3.2.0
If you want to have specific package versions installed you may manage the needed packages outside of this module (use manage_packages => false). It is only tested to use 'present', 'installed', 'absent', 'purged', 'held' and 'latest' as argument for the parameters server_package_ensure and client_package_ensure.
Derdanne modules are open projects. So if you want to make this module even better, you can contribute to this module on Github.
Before pushing PRs to Github i would recommend you to test your work locally. So you can ensure all test builds on Travis CI were passing. I have prepared an easy way to test your code locally with the help of Docker.
For running the complete static code analysis, it is sufficient to run a make test-all
I have set some defaults which you can change by setting the following environment variables.
Changes the puppet version which will be used for the tests. Defaults to 6.0
Sets strict variables on or off. Defaults to yes
Sets the ruby version which will be used for the tests. Defaults to 2.4.1
Sets the beaker docker target host. Defaults to ubuntu-20.04
Sets the puppet version for acceptance tests. Defaults to puppet6
You can run the following commands to setup and run the testsuite on your local machine.
Build a docker image with a Ruby version which is not available on Docker hub. Check out
to see if i have already prepared a rvm build for the ruby version
you want to test. Take a look at the Dockerfile located in spec/local-testing
if you want to customize
your builds.
Pull a prebuild rvm docker image with the Ruby version defined in the variable RVM
Install all needed gems locally to vendor/bundle
Run linting of metadata.
Run puppet lint tests.
Run syntax tests.
Run rspec puppet tests.
Run rubocop tests.
Run the whole testsuite.
Run puppetlabs beaker rspec tests.
This module based on Harald Skoglund haraldsk@redpill-linpro.com from https://github.com/haraldsk/puppet-module-nfs/ but has been fundementally refactored
This plugin was originally authored by Daniel Klockenkaemper dk@marketing-factory.de. The maintainer preferred that Vox Pupuli take ownership of the module for future improvement and maintenance. Existing pull requests and issues were transferred over, please fork and continue to contribute here instead of Camptocamp.
Previously: https://github.com/derdanne/puppet-nfs