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/ /_/ ( <_> ) | | | | | |_\ ___/ \___ \
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This repository contains personal dotfiles of Samiul Azim.
- Distro: Arch Linux
- Window Manager: Xmonad, Spectrwm
- Shell: Fish, Zsh, Bash (+Starship Prompt)
- Terminal: Alacritty
- Text Editor: Nvim 👉 (See how to set up)
- Menus: Dmenu
- File Manager: Ranger, Vifm
- Video Player: VLC
- System Monitoring Dashboard: Htop
- compositor: Picom
- screensaver: Nitrogen
I manage my dotfiles with a bare git repository and would encourage you to do the same. How to? clone this github repository
- create a folder in your home directory
mkdir dotfiles
- clone this github repository as bare
git clone --bare https://github.com/w3samiulazim/dotfiles.git $HOME/dotfiles
- define the alias in the current shell scope.
alias dotfiles='/usr/bin/git --git-dir=$HOME/dotfiles/ --work-tree=$HOME'
- run this command if the alias is placed correctly in your shell.
dotfiles config --local status.showUntrackedFiles no
- checkout the actual content from the git repository to your $HOME
dotfiles checkout
Awesome! You’re done.