Table of Contents
This document system for generating PDF and HTML files from Markdown text is based on Pandoc. Inspiration for the templates comes from a LaTeX package created back in 2001, called technics.sty.
Wires have released this project as Open Source to invite other users in need of a similar framework to share and further improve on the founding ideas.
First the HTML version:
Next the PDF version:
Notice how the HTML version has two click buttons on the right-hand side
just below the header. One for opening the PDF version (better for
print) and one for opening the HTML print preview in your browser. Be
aware that CSS media print
still is very broken in most browsers. Any
help improving templates/wires.html
CSS to be able to handle or trick
browsers better, is most welcome!
Fork or clone the repository, then jump to section Structure
Set up
as a GIT submodule. E.g., if your project has a subdirectorydoc/
:cd doc/ git submodule add ln -s docgen/Makefile .
That's it. Provided you have read the Requirements section, you can
type make
and then find your generated documents in the output/
Note: the
sub-directory will be skipped by docgen, only actual substructures in your projectsdoc/
directory (
files) will be used.
Documents go in their own subdirectory, nesting subdirectories is not
supported. Each subdirectory from the top level can have multiple
Markdown files. For each Markdown file (.md
suffix only) the Makefile
generates a HTML and PDF version in the output/
subdirectory using
|-- foo/
| |--
| `--
|-- bar/
| |--
| `--
|-- output/
| |-- foo/
| | |-- concepts.html
| | |-- concepts.pdf
| | |-- memo-2022-09-12.html
| | `-- memo-2022-09-12.pdf
| `-- bar/
| |-- concepts.html
| |-- concepts.pdf
| |-- memo-2022-08-01.html
| `-- memo-2022-08-01.pdf
|-- templates/
| |-- wires.html
| `-- wires.pdf
|-- Makefile
Currently two templates, for HTML and PDF generation, are available, but
more could be added. For example .docx
and slideshows in reveal.js.
Standard Pandoc variables are supported in the (optional) Yaml frontmatter. However, to enable the Wires specific document header variants a couple of extra variables have been addded. These are described in this section.
Here is an example of a YAML frontmatter, which goes at the very top of
the document. Most relevant options are under document:
, the rest
can be omitted completely.
Notice the starting and closing ---
of the frontmatter:
name: Sample Technical Document
prepared: Joachim Wiberg
organisation: MoreWires AB
holder: MoreWires AB
numbersections: true
classoption: twoside
fontsize: 11pt
mainfont: SourceSerifPro-Regular.otf
mainfontoptions: Numbers=OldStyle
sansfont: SourceSansPro-Regular.otf
sansfontoptions: Numbers=OldStyle
monofont: SourceCodePro-Regular.otf
monofontoptions: Scale=0.75
enables the document headername:
sets theDocument name
sets thePrepared by
sets theApproved by
field, if unset PDF documents will have a DRAFT watermark appliedorganisation:
enables the optionalOrganisation
field right of the logonumber
: setsDocument No
field, defaults to an automatically generated string composed from the GIT repository name, the source file's object hash and last change GIT revision of the file:name:object-revision
. Note: the-revision
part is always added to the document number.
enables a copyright footer (type custom text here), or fall back to the default by setting either of the following options:year:
sets the optional copyright years field, e.g., "2021-2022", default: automatically sets current yearholder
: defaults to the organisation (above), or "MoreWires AB" if organisation is unset
: optional, if set totrue
the PDF will used numbered sections (this is what most readers expect)classoption
: optional, used for PDF generation (LaTeX class option)fontsize:
optional, the xelatex pandoc options are used with fallback to the Adobe Source{Sans,Serif,Code}-Regular.otf family*fontoptions:
optional, needs the corresponding*font:
option to be set to take effect. Default isNumbers=OldStyle
for Sans and Serif fonts, andScale=0.0
for the monofont
Note: the
, includes, and font variables are for the PDF generation (via LaTeX). Also, only PDF document support the DRAFT stamp.
sudo apt install build-essential git
sudo apt install pandoc texlive texlive-latex-extra texlive-fonts-extra texlive-font-utils