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List of features

wrulfy edited this page Feb 4, 2024 · 7 revisions
  • New types for a lot of pokemon: Almost a third of the original pokemon had undergo some type change compared to the original games.
  • Updated base stats: Over three quarters of all pokemon had their stat changed in some way, almost all of them positive, and some of them just rebalanced.
  • Modified Type Matchup: Some type interactions have been modified compared to the base game.
  • Modified Experience Groups: Some pokemon have moved to a different experience group, based on their strength. There's also a new experience group added, with a handful of Pokemon moved there.
  • Improved wild encounters: Wild encounters have been overhauled to bring much more variety across the game. No more areas being populated with a single pokemon species. And pretty much all water have wild encounters, not just a couple of routes.
  • Improved learnsets: New learnsets, giving STAB and better moves to pretty much all pokemon, as well as some coverage based on more recent learnsets
  • Repruposed useless moves into useful moves: A lot of old moves that had zero use had been repruposed into completely different moves to give all types a backbone amount of moves. This also covers buffs to a lot of old moves.
  • Improved move animations: A lot of move have improved animations, and some of them are completely different.
  • Better experience system: Switching pokemon in battle doesn't halve experience any more. This also makes the Exp. All a useful item, as it makes experience gain work like it does in modern games after obtaining the Exp. Share
  • Play the game in technicolor: Colorful custom palettes have been made for the enviroment, and Pokemon use Yellow's vibrant palettes. All you need to do is play in Super Game Boy mode. Some pokemon even use more fitting color palettes.
  • Every pokemon is obtainable: All pokemon are catchable, even Mew, without needing to resort to glitches.
  • New and improved boss battles: Some Gym leaders and Elite four members use diferent types, and they have better and custom movesets as you progress in the game.
  • Improved trainer battles: Enemy trainers carry better and more pokemon as you progress in the game. A few of them might even have custom moves.
  • Remixed Dungeons: A lot of the dungeons have been remade fresh, so you have to figure the way out like if they were new. But dont expect anything too crazy.
  • Improved maps: A lot of maps have been modified to make them more interesting, more decorated, or make them feel more fresh.
  • New Areas to explore: There has been added a few additional maps to find and explore
  • Improved tileset graphics: A lot of tileset have been improved to try to better fit elements to backgrounds, like chairs and potted plants.
  • Slighly alreded storyline A few key points of the original story have been altered, and there has also been added a couple ways to sequence break though them if you wish to skip them.
  • HM Moves can be deleted on the go: You're no longer constricted to have bad HM moves on your pokemon forever, or to carry an HM mule, just delete them when you no longer need them. The game will still remind you that deleting the HM moves can lead to softlocks, so better keep the HMs in hand.
  • Extra storage space: The Bag and the PC storage have been improved a bit, so for example, you could still store all TMs and still have space left with you for Key Items and some useful items.
  • Item rebalance: A handful of items have been rebalanced, like Hyper potions healing a more moderate amount, Super repels not being objetively better than Max Repels. If you've ever heard about Great Balls being better than Ultra Balls, that doesn't apply here, for sure.
  • Modified Marts: some items like Ether and Elixir are now purchaseable. Also, you can get stuff like more PP UPs if you're really commited to spend your cash.
  • More useful Rods: The old rod isn't just Magikarp simulator anymore. The good rod has more stuff to bite depending on where you fish.
  • Custom dialogues: A lot of NPC dialogue has been revisited and altered to fit the gameplay. You can get lots of tips and information by talking to NPCs and trainers.
  • Gym Rematches: After you obtain all the badges, you can rematch the Gym Leaders again. (Except Giovanni since he goes away)
  • Faster movement: You can press B to walk faster at any moment, and biking and surfing is faster as well.
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