is a flexible, powerful, high performance and minimalist Go Web HTTP router framework supporting Go 1.11+
. It is inspired by echo and httprouter. Thanks for those contributors.
- Support the url parameter.
- Support the session manager.
- Support the customized router manager.
- Support the pre-route and route middlewares.
- Support the route group builder to build the route.
- Support the mulit-virtual hosts and the default host.
- Support the exact, prefix, suffix and regexp hostname.
- Support the binding of the request data, such as body and query.
- Support the renderer, such as the HTML template.
- ......
is the pure router framework based on the method and the path, includingMiddleware
, etc.HostManager
are the vhost manager and the standard http handler with the vhost manager.Runner
is the runner to start the http server with the standard http handler.
go get -u
// example.go
package main
import (
func main() {
router := ship.New()
router.Use(middleware.Logger(), middleware.Recover()) // Use the middlewares.
router.Route("/ping").GET(func(c *ship.Context) error {
return c.JSON(200, map[string]interface{}{"message": "pong"})
group := router.Group("/group")
group.Route("/ping").GET(func(c *ship.Context) error {
return c.Text(200, "group")
subgroup := group.Group("/subgroup")
subgroup.Route("/ping").GET(func(c *ship.Context) error {
return c.Text(200, "subgroup")
// Start the HTTP server.
ship.StartServer(":8080", router)
// or
// http.ListenAndServe(":8080", router)
$ go run example.go
$ curl
$ curl
$ curl
The route path supports the parameters like :paramName
, *
or *restParamName
only matches the path/path/to/route
matches the path/path/abc/to
, etc. And:param1
is equal toabc
matches the path/path/p11/to/p21
, etc. And:parma1
is equal top11
, and:param2
is equal top12
matches the path/path/to/abc
, etc. And*
is equal toabc
, orxzy/123
. Notice:*
must be the last one of the route path./path/:param/to/*
matches the path/path/abc/to/efg
, etc. And:param
is equal toabc
, and*
is equal toefg
For the parameter, it can be accessed by Context.Param(paramName)
- For
, the parameter name is*
, likeContext.Param("*")
. - For
, the parameter name isrestParamName
, likeContext.Param(restParamName)
func main() {
router := ship.New()
ship.StartServer(":8080", router)
Notice: you can register the same handler with more than one method by Route(path string).Method(handler Handler, method ...string)
func main() {
router := ship.New()
ship.StartServer(":8080", router)
func main() {
router := ship.New()
"GET": getHandler,
"POST": postHandler,
"DELETE": deleteHandler,
ship.StartServer(":8080", router)
When registering the route, it can be named with a name.
func main() {
router := ship.New()
router.Route("/path/:id").Name("get_url").GET(func(c *ship.Context) error {
fmt.Println(c.URL("get_url", c.Param("id")))
return nil
ship.StartServer(":8080", router)
package main
import (
// MyAuthMiddleware returns a middleare to authenticate the request.
func MyAuthMiddleware() ship.Middleware {
return func(next ship.Handler) ship.Handler {
return func(c *ship.Context) error {
// TODO: authenticate the request.
return next(c)
func main() {
router := ship.New()
router.Use(middleware.Logger(), middleware.Recover())
// v1 Group, which will inherit the middlewares of the parent router.
v1 := router.Group("/v1")
v1.Route("/get").GET(func(c *ship.Context) error { return nil }) // Route: GET /v1/get
// v2 Group, which won't inherit the middlewares of the parent router.
v2 := router.Group("/v2").ResetMiddlewares(MyAuthMiddleware())
v2.Route("/post").POST(func(c *ship.Context) error { return nil }) // Route: POST /v2/post
// For sub-group of v2 Group.
v2g := v2.Group("/child")
v2g.Route("/path").GET(func(c *ship.Context) error { return nil }) // Route: GET /v2/child/path
ship.StartServer(":8080", router)
package main
import (
func filter(ri ship.Route) bool {
if ri.Name == "" || !strings.HasPrefix(ri.Path, "/prefix/") {
return true
return false
func main() {
handler := func(c *ship.Context) error { return nil }
router := ship.New()
router.RouteFilter = filter // Don't register the router without name.
router.Group("/prefix").Route("/name").Name("test").GET(handler) // Register the route
router.Group("/prefix").Route("/noname").GET(handler) // Don't register the route
router.Route("/no_group").GET(handler) // Don't register the route
ship.StartServer(":8080", router)
package main
import ""
func modifier(ri ship.Route) ship.Route {
ri.Path = "/prefix" + ri.Path
return ri
func main() {
handler := func(c *ship.Context) error { return nil }
router := ship.New()
router.RouteModifier = modifier
router.Route("/path").Name("test").GET(handler) // Register the path as "/prefix/path".
ship.StartServer(":8080", router)
package main
import (
// RemovePathPrefix returns a middleware to remove the prefix from the request path.
func RemovePathPrefix(prefix string) ship.Middleware {
if len(prefix) < 2 || prefix[len(prefix)-1] == '/' {
panic(fmt.Errorf("invalid prefix: '%s'", prefix))
return func(next ship.Handler) ship.Handler {
return func(c *ship.Context) error {
req := c.Request()
req.URL.Path = strings.TrimPrefix(req.URL.Path, prefix)
return next(c)
func main() {
router := ship.New()
// Execute the middlewares before finding the route.
// Execute the middlewares after finding the route.
router.Use(middleware.Logger(), middleware.Recover())
handler := func(c *ship.Context) error { return nil }
ship.StartServer(":8080", router)
package main
import (
func main() {
vhosts := ship.NewHostManagerHandler(nil)
_default := ship.New()
_default.Route("/").GET(func(c *ship.Context) error { return c.Text(200, "default") })
vhosts.SetDefaultHost("", _default)
// Exact Match Host
vhost1 := ship.New()
vhost1.Route("/").GET(func(c *ship.Context) error { return c.Text(200, "vhost1") })
vhosts.AddHost("", vhost1)
// Suffix Match Host
vhost2 := ship.New()
vhost2.Route("/").GET(func(c *ship.Context) error { return c.Text(200, "vhost2") })
vhosts.AddHost("*", vhost2)
// Prefix Match Host
vhost3 := ship.New()
vhost3.Route("/").GET(func(c *ship.Context) error { return c.Text(200, "vhost3") })
vhosts.AddHost("www.host3.*", vhost3)
// Regexp Match Host by using Go regexp package
vhost4 := ship.New()
vhost4.Route("/").GET(func(c *ship.Context) error { return c.Text(200, "vhost4") })
vhosts.AddHost(`www\.[a-zA-z0-9]+\.example\.com`, vhost4)
ship.StartServer(":8080", vhosts)
$ curl
$ curl -H 'Host:' # Exact
$ curl -H 'Host:' # Suffix
$ curl -H 'Host:' # Prefix
$ curl -H 'Host:' # Regexp
package main
import ""
func responder(c *ship.Context, args ...interface{}) error {
switch len(args) {
case 0:
return c.NoContent(200)
case 1:
switch v := args[0].(type) {
case int:
return c.NoContent(v)
case string:
return c.Text(200, v)
case 2:
switch v0 := args[0].(type) {
case int:
return c.Text(v0, "%v", args[1])
return c.NoContent(500)
func main() {
router := ship.New()
router.Responder = responder
router.Route("/path1").GET(func(c *ship.Context) error { return c.Respond() })
router.Route("/path2").GET(func(c *ship.Context) error { return c.Respond(200) })
router.Route("/path3").GET(func(c *ship.Context) error { return c.Respond("Hello, World") })
router.Route("/path4").GET(func(c *ship.Context) error { return c.Respond(200, "Hello, World") })
ship.StartServer(":8080", router)
package main
import ""
// Login is the login information.
type Login struct {
Username string `json:"username" xml:"username"`
Password string `json:"password" xml:"password"`
func main() {
router := ship.Default()
router.Route("/login").POST(func(c *ship.Context) (err error) {
var login Login
if err = c.Bind(&login); err != nil {
return ship.ErrBadRequest.New(err)
return c.Text(200, "username=%s, password=%s", login.Username, login.Password)
ship.StartServer(":8080", router)
$ curl \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"username":"xgfone","password":"123456"}'
username=xgfone, password=123456
$ curl \
-H 'Content-Type: application/xml' \
-d '<login><username>xgfone</username><password>123456</password></login>'
username=xgfone, password=123456
In the directory /path/to/templates
, there is a template file named index.tmpl
as follow:
<!DOCTYPE html>
This is the body content: </pre>{{ . }}</pre>
package main
import (
func main() {
// It will recursively load all the files in the directory as the templates.
loader := template.NewDirLoader("/path/to/templates")
tmplRender := template.NewHTMLTemplateRender(loader)
router := ship.Default()
router.Renderer.(*ship.MuxRenderer).Add(".tmpl", tmplRender)
router.Route("/html").GET(func(c *ship.Context) error {
return c.RenderOk("index.tmpl", "Hello World")
// Start the HTTP server.
ship.StartServer(":8080", router)
When accessing
, it returns
<!DOCTYPE html>
This is the body content: </pre>Hello World</pre>
supply a default implementation based on Radix tree to manage the route with Zero Garbage (See Benchmark), which refers to echo, that's, NewRouter()
You can appoint your own implementation by implementing the interface Router
type Router interface {
// Range traverses all the registered routes.
Range(func(name, path, method string, handler interface{}))
// Path generates a url path by the path name and parameters.
// Return "" if there is not the route path named name.
Path(name string, params ...interface{}) string
// Add adds the route and returns the number of the parameters
// if there are the parameters in the route path.
// name is the name of the path, which is optional and must be unique
// if not empty.
// If method is empty, handler is the handler of all the methods supported
// by the implementation. Or, it is only that of the given method.
// For the parameter in the path, the format is determined by the implementation.
Add(name, path, method string, handler interface{}) (paramNum int, err error)
// Del deletes the given route.
// If method is empty, deletes all the routes associated with the path.
// Or, only delete the given method for the path.
Del(path, method string) (err error)
// Match matches the route by path and method, puts the path parameters
// into pnames and pvalues, then returns the handler and the number
// of the path paramethers.
// If pnames or pvalues is empty, it will ignore the path paramethers
// when finding the route handler.
// Return (nil, 0) if not found the route handler.
Match(path, method string, pnames, pvalues []string) (handler interface{}, pn int)
func main() {
NewMyRouter := func() (router ship.Router) {
// TODO: new a Router.
router := ship.New()
router.Router = NewMyRouter()
// ...
HP Laptop 14s-dr2014TU
go: 1.16.4
goos: windows
goarch: amd64
memory: 16GB DDR4-3200
cpu: 11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-1165G7 @ 2.80GHz
Framework | Version |
---|---| |
v1.7.2 | |
v4.4.0 | |
v5.0.0 |
Function | ops | ns/op | B/opt | allocs/op |
BenchmarkEchoStatic-8 | 43269 | 27676 | 2056 | 157 |
BenchmarkEchoGitHubAPI-8 | 29738 | 40773 | 2788 | 203 |
BenchmarkEchoGplusAPI-8 | 668731 | 1967 | 207 | 13 |
BenchmarkEchoParseAPI-8 | 362774 | 3369 | 398 | 26 |
BenchmarkGinStatic-8 | 47384 | 24037 | 8267 | 157 |
BenchmarkGinGitHubAPI-8 | 33747 | 34648 | 10771 | 203 |
BenchmarkGinGplusAPI-8 | 598628 | 1830 | 681 | 13 |
BenchmarkGinParseAPI-8 | 356298 | 3314 | 1442 | 26 |
BenchmarkShipEchoStatic-8 | 51788 | 23219 | 668 | 0 |
BenchmarkShipEchoGitHubAPI-8 | 32854 | 35759 | 1054 | 0 |
BenchmarkShipEchoGplusAPI-8 | 746049 | 1809 | 92 | 0 |
BenchmarkShipEchoParseAPI-8 | 396067 | 3310 | 174 | 0 |
Function | ops | ns/op | B/opt | allocs/op |
BenchmarkShipWithoutVHost-8 | 19691887 | 54.53 | 0 | 0 |
BenchmarkShipWithExactVHost-8 | 17158249 | 64.19 | 0 | 0 |
BenchmarkShipWithPrefixVHost-8 | 13445091 | 90.81 | 0 | 0 |
BenchmarkShipWithRegexpVHost-8 | 4668913 | 248.0 | 0 | 0 |