Go-PushSDK 给APNS发推送消息。包括iOS、华为、小米、魅族、OPPO、vivo
▶ 待完善
🍬 Add the library to your $GOPATH/src
go get github.com/xxgail/PushSDK
- builder.go 构建消息体
- common.go 包内的公共方法
- const.go 定义常量
- http_request.go http请求公共方法
- xx_push.go 各个渠道的推送具体请求
- result_common.go 返回格式
- send.go sendMessage主体步骤
package main
import (
func main() {
// 1. 推送消息体
message := PushSDK.NewMessage()
// 2. 发送
send := PushSDK.NewSend()
send.SetChannel("ios") // 发送渠道
send.SetPushId([]string{"xxxx"}) // 发送用户device_token,数组格式
send.SetPlatForm("{app_id:xxxx}") // 渠道对应参数,详见下表 channel-param
response,_ := send.SendMessage(message) // 发送
channel | plat |
ios | {"key_id":"xxx","team_id":"xxx","bundle_id":"xxx","auth_token_path":"xxx.p8"} |
mi | {"app_secret":"xxx","restricted_package_name":"xxx"} |
hw | {"app_id":"xxx","client_secret":"xxx"} |
mz | {"app_id":"xxx","app_secret":"xxx"} |
oppo | {"app_key":"xxx","master_secret":"xxx"} |
vivo | {"app_id":"xxx","app_key":"xxx","app_secret":"xxx"} |
channel | device_token来源 | 请求方式 | URL | Content-Type | request-header | 消息体结构 | device_token位置 |
iOS | device_token | POST | https://api.development.push.apple.com/3/device/+token | application/json | "apns-topic":bundleID "Authorization":"bearer "+ authtoken |
json格式 | 连接到URL后面 |
小米 | regId | POST | https://api.xmpush.xiaomi.com/v3/message/regid | application/x-www-form-urlencoded | "Authorization": appSecret | key:value格式 | 在消息体中,作为key传输 |
华为 | token | POST | https://push-api.cloud.huawei.com/v1/messages:send | application/json | "Authorization": "Bearer " + authtoken | json格式 | 在json消息体中,数组格式 |
魅族 | pushId | POST | http://server-api-push.meizu.com/garcia/api/server/push/varnished/pushByPushId | application/x-www-form-urlencoded | 没有token,消息体中有sign的key-value | key:value格式 | 在消息体中,作为key传输 |
oppo | pushId | POST | https://api.push.oppomobile.com/server/v1/message/notification/unicast_batch | application/x-www-form-urlencoded | "auth_token": authtoken | key:value格式 | 在messages的json消息体中,分配到每个消息数组中 |
vivo | regId | POST | https://api-push.vivo.com.cn/message/send | application/json | "authToken" = authToken | json格式 | 在json消息体中 |
Local and Remote Notification Programming Guide https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/NetworkingInternet/Conceptual/RemoteNotificationsPG/CommunicatingwithAPNs.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40008194-CH11-SW1 hw推送服务-HTTPS下行消息 https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/HMSCore-References-V5/https-send-api-0000001050986197-V5#ZH-CN_TOPIC_0000001050986197__section723545214380