mkdir -p ~/Projects; cd ~/Projects; \
git clone; \
cd AutoBDD-example/docker; \
docker-compose run --rm autobdd-example-run "--parallel=4 --screenshot=3 --movie=1 --rerunfailed=1 --reportpath=test1"
google-chrome ~/Projects/AutoBDD-example/test-results/test1/index.html
BDD Automation Framework
Powerful, Flexible and Easy-to-Use BDD Automation Framework
Powerful - Automate anything you can see and operate on any desktop, local or remote, Web or non-Web.
Flexible - Runs on any local desktop, cloud system or CI/CD system, single thread or in parallel.
Easy-To-Use - Write test cases in plain English sentences, single command execution anywhere.
AutoBDD lets you focus on your test.
Everything else will automagically work out for you.
Just download AutoBDD-example and give it a try:
- And rename AutoBDD-example project as your own.
Linux Base (Ubuntu 20.04)
xvfb desktop environment
real web browser
real file system
keyboard-mouse-screen control
development tools (nodejs, python, java, etc.)
Screen, Keyboard and Mouse Libraries
sikulixapi (screen and images)
robot-js (keyboard and mouse)
tesseract-ocr (screen or browser image to text)
Automation Tools
CI/CD Runner
parellel test runner
automatic cucumber and junit report generator
pre-canned runner control -- runner will handle docker image download and running automagically
Local Development Runner
full GUI - WYSIWYT -- what you see is what you test
auto project mount - WYWIWYT -- what you write is what you test
pre-canned runner control -- runner can be controlled with 2 simple docker-compose commands (up and down)
Popular 3rd Party Libraries
webdriverio (v6)
cucumber-js (v6)
HTML report with step screenshots and test case movie
very rich pre-canned cucumber steps (over 150 steps)
Framework Provided Libries
keyboard-mouse control
in cucumber BDD statements
in js library
remote access
remote desktop
remote command console
remote filesystem access
Demo-App application and Precanned Cucumber-JS Steps are taken from webdriverio/cucumber-boilerplate
Image Regognizing library is taken from RaiMan/SikuliX1
Keyboard and Mouse control library is taken from octalmage/robotjs
Framework Control libraries are taken from webdriverio/webdriverio
And many other open-source npm libraries listed in package.json