This repository was archived by the owner on Jul 1, 2022. It is now read-only.
What's Changed
- PHP 8.1 Ready!!!
- Fontawesome 5
- Allow Carnation v2 by @podarok in #2624
- Advanced Help Block decouple by @podarok in #2625
- feat: Decouple openy_custom core to dedicated repo by @podarok in #2626
- fix(patch): add deprecations fixes by @podarok in #2631
- fix: Disable dblog before release by @podarok in #2633
Activity Finder fixes
- fix: backport deprecated fixes … by @podarok in ymcatwincities/openy_activity_finder#164
- [Snyk] Upgrade axios from 0.25.0 to 0.26.0 by @snyk-bot in ymcatwincities/openy_activity_finder#156
- [Snyk] Upgrade axios from 0.24.0 to 0.26.0 by @snyk-bot in ymcatwincities/openy_activity_finder#159
- [Snyk] Upgrade axios from 0.25.0 to 0.26.0 by @snyk-bot in ymcatwincities/openy_activity_finder#158
- Implement "limit by category" in AF4 by @froboy in ymcatwincities/openy_activity_finder#157
- fix: foldable elements too close one to each other by @podarok in ymcatwincities/openy_activity_finder#163
- Respect sort value taken from URL parameter by @Sardis93 in ymcatwincities/openy_activity_finder#155
- feat: Added separate component for results list rendering. by @duozersk in ymcatwincities/openy_activity_finder#148
- [Snyk] Upgrade axios from 0.24.0 to 0.25.0 by @snyk-bot in ymcatwincities/openy_activity_finder#143
- [Snyk] Upgrade core-js from 3.19.3 to 3.20.0 by @snyk-bot in ymcatwincities/openy_activity_finder#131
- Fix mincount for facets by @manachynskyi in ymcatwincities/openy_activity_finder#132
- feat: Do not collapse locations and activities options if there is only one group. by @duozersk in ymcatwincities/openy_activity_finder#146
- fix: Index only the ages from the ages configuration. by @duozersk in ymcatwincities/openy_activity_finder#147
- Fix undefined offset in OpenyActivityFinderSolrBackend.php by @froboy in ymcatwincities/openy_activity_finder#152
- Handle zero availability case by @froboy in ymcatwincities/openy_activity_finder#149
- [Snyk] Upgrade axios from 0.24.0 to 0.25.0 by @snyk-bot in ymcatwincities/openy_activity_finder#145
- [Snyk] Upgrade core-js from 3.20.0 to 3.20.3 by @snyk-bot in ymcatwincities/openy_activity_finder#144
- Resolve "facets having mincount of 0 are not supported..." by @froboy in ymcatwincities/openy_activity_finder#154
Open Y Rose
- Remove non needed whitespace
- Limit width of the membership icon image container on membership calculator
- Adjust font-family used for fontawesome icons
- Adjust fonts
- Fix arrows -
- Improve composer.json -
- Fix Fontawesome CDN -
Open Y Lily
- Use Fontawesome 5
- A lot of design fixes -
Open Y Carnation
Releases, decoupling, CDN fixes, Branch CT, and Location Finder fixes
Full Changelog: