Fortnite No Stream Snipers (FortniteNoSS) is a tool to track potential stream snipers players. The goal is to help streamers to determine if a player is stream sniping and if so, get Epic to ban this player more easily.
The tool is targeted only to Windows platforms since Fortnite run only on Windows.
You can download the tool in the Release page.
Download the last version of the tool as a .zip file ( Extract its content, and run FortniteNoSS.exe.
If you prefer to install the tool manually, follow the instructions below.
- Python 3.7+ (tested mainly with 3.8, but should work with other versions)
- .NET 5.0 (
Download or clone the repository
$ git clone
Open your command line cmd.exe and simply run the build.bat file from the root directory of the project
$ build.bat
After the install you should be in the src/ directory. Run the following command:
$ python
Everything is explained in the tool itself. If you think something is not clear, feel free to contact me.
At the moment, the only feature that I've implemented is tracking players that the user manually entered. You will be able to see the number of times the tracked players appear in your matches, and also see the corresponding replay files. Stream sniping being ban-able by Epic, hopefully this tool will help you to find stream snipers ruining your stream and get them banned. I intend to implement other features in order to find automatically the potential stream snipers players using all the data a replay file contains.
Replays contain only the Account ID of players in the match (Usernames of players being encrypted). In order to be able to convert between a Account ID and an Username, we need to send requests to the Epic Servers.
If you prefer not to use your main Epic account, you can create and use a new one.
Using the FortniteReplayDecompressor parser, FortniteNoSS analyzes your replays and collect data about your matches.
You need to have "Record Replays" set to ON in your Fortnite settings and specify the replay directory in the FortniteNoSS Settings!