vim-linebox -- the VIM lines and boxes plugin.
linebox is a vim plugin to draw boxes and lines. Boxes are drawn by visually
selecting a rectangle, and then pressing either <leader>b
or <leader>B
(with default mappings, enabled in vimrc). Lines are drawn by setting a start
and end mark, and pressing <leader>L
(with default mappings, enabled in
vimrc). This will find the shortest path, from start to end (if there is a
path), no matter where the start and end positions are, avoiding any text.
Lines can start and stop on other lines, and will merge with them.
NOTE: Add this to your vimrc for the three default mappings:
let g:linebox_default_maps = 1
NOTE: If you find a bug, please file an issue.
- Draw boxes with
- Draw blended boxes with
- Draw lines with
Use your plugin manager of choice. On Windows, replace the directory ~/.vim
with ~/vimfiles
- Vim Packages
- Linux/Unix/OSX:
git clone --recursive ~/.vim/pack/bundle/start/vim-linebox
- Run
:helptags ~/.vim/pack/bundle/start/vim-linebox/doc
- Windows:
git clone --recursive ~/vimfiles/pack/bundle/start/vim-linebox
- Run
:helptags ~/vimfiles/pack/bundle/start/vim-linebox/doc
- Linux/Unix/OSX:
- Pathogen
- Linux/Unix/OSX:
git clone --recursive ~/.vim/bundle/vim-linebox
- Windows:
git clone --recursive ~/.vim/bundle/vim-linebox
- Linux/Unix/OSX:
- Vundle
- Add
Bundle ''
to .vimrc - Run
- Add
- NeoBundle
- Add
NeoBundle ''
to .vimrc - Run
- Add
- vim-plug
- Add
Plug ''
to .vimrc - Run
- Add
Add let g:linebox_default_maps = 1
to your vimrc (see "Default mappings"
Use visual mode to select a rectable, and make a box with <leader>b
Use visual mode to select a rectable, and make a box with <leader>B
to blend
with other lines.
vs <leaderB
<leader>b <leader>B
│ │ │ │ │ │
┌───────┐ ┌┼──┼──┼┐
││ │ ││ ││ │ ││
└───────┘ └┼──┼──┼┘
│ │ │ │ │ │
Make a start and end mark with marks `a and `b (if using default mappings).
Then draw a line with <leader>L
NOTE: There must be a path of whitespace from mark a to mark b.
let g:linebox_default_maps = 0
let g:linebox_marks = ["'a", "'b"]
let g:linebox_animation = 1
nnoremap <leader>L :call linebox#lines#line(g:linebox_marks[0], g:linebox_marks[1])<cr>
nnoremap <leader>b :call linebox#boxes#box()<cr>
vnoremap <leader>b :call linebox#boxes#box()<cr>
nnoremap <leader>B :call linebox#boxes#mbox()<cr>
vnoremap <leader>B :call linebox#boxes#mbox()<cr>
In Vim:
:help vim-linebox