- Single main file: There is only one main file
which contains common configuration and lots of common plugins.- All things you need: language server support & auto completion & diagnostics, file tree, motion, bookmark, register, edit history, buffer & window control, terminal, git, session save & auto restore like vscode, colors & highlight & outlooks, fuzzy find & global replace, remote ssh, markdown image paste & markdown preview
- Original keymap: I don't like to define many custom keymaps so I try my best to keep native keymaps and only map some functions or applications.
- Very fast: All plugins are lazyloaded so you can gain best performance of this configuration.
- Clean: The files are clean and well structured so that you can easily understand and modify them to fit your needs.
- Choose your own: I provide a local config file
so that you can cover some default settings like: which colorscheme, which lsp backend, which file to require, add your own plugin list. For example, You can select your lsp backend flavor from./lua/ysl/lsp/nvim_lsp.lua
, default isnvim_lsp
, choose the one you like from these two files, write it into./lua/ysl/localhost.lua
.- Integration with others: VSCode's neovim extension support, Chrome input frame edit support.
The configuration is built to fit my needs, might also fit yours. Feel free to use it.
Insights from:
- Boilerplate:
shows the single file structure, I think it has more benefits than lots of files especially when you're debugging with lots of plugins. - Distributions:
provide the most popular plugins list. - Collections:
provides more special-interest plugins. - Personal configs:
for minimal lsp & cmp configuration,theniceboy/nvim
for some useful plugins. - Other websites:
, etc.
NVIM v0.10.0
Build type: Release
LuaJIT 2.1.1723675123
Run "nvim -V1 -v" for more info
- Linux/Mac/Windows:
- A build tool: Essential, for enhance telescope performance, choose one below depends on your system.
(for MacOS and Linux only)cmake
(for Windows only)
- A C compiler
(if Linux/Mac, choose one between them; else if Windows, clang recommended): Essential, for nvim-treesitter support. ripgrep
: Essential, for fuzzy search and replace.nodejs
: Essential, for some lsp support, markdown preview, andcoc
language server backend support.- pip package:
- pynvim (essential, for coc-snippets and builtin functions support).
- A
: Optional, but recommended. - xsel (For linux:
sudo apt install xsel
- A build tool: Essential, for enhance telescope performance, choose one below depends on your system.
- Only Windows:
Visual Studio C/C++ Build Tools
andWindows SDK
: Only essential for windows users, for telescope-fzf-native.nvim plugin build process.powershell 7
: Only essential for windows users, for terminal support.
# Install
# Option 1. On Linux/MacOS
git clone ~/.config/nvim
# Option 2. On Windows
git clone %LOCALAPPDATA%\nvim
# Dependencies
pip install pynvim
# Update: Choose an option below.
# Option 1. If you don't add some modification, you can simply pull from the origin url.
git pull origin master
# Option 2. If you have modified some code yourself, you should fetch then you might need to merge your configuration with origin url
git fetch origin && git merge origin/master --no-edit
❯ tree --dirsfirst
├── lua |
│  └── ysl |
│  ├── lsp | Choose one LSP backend between them.
│  │  ├── coc.lua | Coc LSP backend.
│  │  └── nvim_lsp.lua | Nvim built-in LSP backend.
│  ├── init.lua | Main configuration file.
│  ├── localhost.lua | Self local configuration, for overriding some default value. Default not exists, needs to be created by yourself.
│  └── utils.lua | Some useful functions.
├── scripts | Some build scripts stored here.
│ └── |
├── templates |
│  ├── snippets | Snippets folder.
│  │ ├── cython.json -> python.json |
│  │ ├── lua.json |
│  │ ├── package.json | Used by LuaSnip to recognize snippets folder structure.
│  │ └── python.json |
│  ├── cspell.json | Words whitelist for cspell diagnostic in markdown file.
│  └── eisvogel.latex | Markdown to Latex template.
├── coc-settings.json | Coc settings file.
├── init.lua | Project entrance. Nvim will read this file first.
├── lazy-lock-coc.json | Plugins version tracking file, for coc branch.
├── lazy-lock.json | Only be created when lsp backend is nil. E.g, when you use neovim into vscode by vscode's neovim plugin.
├── lazy-lock-nvim_lsp.json | Plugins version tracking file, for nvim_lsp branch.
└── |
6 directories, 19 files
Put the code below into ./lua/ysl/localhost.lua
-- ./lua/ysl/localhost.lua
local M = {}
-- M.requires, default value: { 'ysl.lsp.coc' }
M.requires = {
'ysl.lsp.nvim_lsp' -- Use nvim_lsp to override default LSP backend (default: coc).
-- 'ysl.lsp.coc'
-- M.plugins, default value: {}
-- You can add some plugins into the table, lazy.nvim plugins manager will load them.
-- M.plugins = {
-- vim = { 'someone/balabala' },
-- coc = { 'coc-ltex' }
-- }
-- M.config, default value: {}
M.config = {
utils = {
github = { -- For swiching to China github mirror.
ssh = '',
raw = ''
vim = {
opt = {
-- WARNING: Transparency is an experimental feature now.
-- winblend = 70 -- Uncomment this to enable transparency.
-- -- M.vim.opt.colorscheme, default value: { 'folke/tokyonight.nvim' }
-- -- You can specify `colorscheme` to override default colorscheme.
-- colorscheme = {
-- 'catppuccin/nvim',
-- name = 'catppuccin',
-- lazy = false,
-- priority = 1000,
-- config = function()
-- vim.cmd.colorscheme('catppuccin-mocha')
-- end
-- }
return M
check conflicts example: :verbose imap
key | command | note |
Experimental now. Not recommended.
Change font and size:
set guifont=consolas:h20
Check highlight group:
" Check the highlight group under cursor: :Inspect
About debugger: My neovim configuration does not provide inner debugger like nvim-dap
. Integrate an inner debugger is not a hard work, but I prefer using other more powerful outer debugger.
You can find language-specific outer debuggers below.
You can check current buffer's filetype by :set filetype?
Python environment dependencies
# For coc (not tested on nvim_lsp): pip install jedi ruff-lsp sourcery
Configure ruff:
// coc-settings.json // ruff format --help "ruff.format.args": [ "--config", // Ref: "format.quote-style='single'" ]
Python debugger
Again, my neovim configuration does not provide inner debugger like
. Integrate an inner debugger is not a hard work, but I prefer using other outer debugger.For python, there are several pip libs can support debug. E.g,
.Another choice is to use some logger like
.# pdb is python built-in library, so you don't need to install it via pip. Just import it. pip install ipdb pudb pysnooper loguru
This config will auto dynamically read
(this is the default sourcery config file) to load the sourcery token. -
# Install stubs mypy --install-types
For coc, you also need to manually install clangd
on project root or root's parent folder. See: clangd/coc-clangd#39
# For coc, rust-analyzer is installed by rustup.
rustup component add rust-analyzer
# For nvim_lsp, rust-analyzer only auto starts for cargo projects.
# To create a cargo project, run the following shell command:
cargo new {project_name}
# If you need to start rust-analyzer for single rust file, you should run neovim command `:RustStartStandaloneServerForBuffer`
# For coc
npm install -g bash-language-server
# For coc dependencies:
PDF viewer
You need to install
(for Linux/Mac) orsumatraPDF
(for Windows) pdf viewer, and use<C-LeftMouse>
or double click<LeftMouse>
to inverse search. If inverse search does not work, you should:h vimtex
for more to configure it.sudo apt install zathura
- There might be a bug when vimtex with sumatraPDF about pdf refresh with xelatex. See
:h vimtex-view-sumatrapdf
for help to fix it (I haven't encounterd this). - There might also be a bug when vimtex with zathura about synctex. See
:h vimtex-view-zathura
for help to fix it (I'm lazy to fix this, so I just ignored it).
- There might be a bug when vimtex with sumatraPDF about pdf refresh with xelatex. See
The default latex compiler is
, the default compile engine ispdflatex
.If you want to use
(for Chinese support) as compile engine in specific project, you should add a.latexmkrc
in your project root, then add this into this.latexmkrc
:$pdf_mode = 5;
This tells latexmk to use
as this project's compile engine. the mode5
. Check vimtex's help doc for more info.
typst # These Below are only for coc: typst-lsp
Workflow: Use nvim to edit, it provides syntax lighlighting (
) and lsp completion (typst-lsp
). Then open an another terminal to manually usetypst watch
command to generate pdf for instant preview. -
Others: Might not need, and also not provided in this config.
- Typst instant preview: By
. Also needtypst-preview v0.10.4
andwebsocat v0.12.0
(Follow the instruction of comments in typst-preview.nvim in./lua/ysl/init.lua
- Typst instant preview: By
need chafa
and press <LEADER>r
to run jpg
, png
, gif
file and show it's content.
need pdftoppm
and chafa
for pdf
cargo install chafa
Manually install
Check current
version that compatible withcoc-ltex
, for example,15.2.0
. -
And manually download and extract the tarball into
Example (need to further check version):
Download link :
Target installation destination:
Download and extract ngrams/ to
(need more than 8G disk space).
Let's say you have the following text:
Hello, world!
You want to replace Hello
with Hi
while preserving the original punctuation. You can use the following command:
:%s/\(Hello\),/\1, Hi/g
After executing this command, the text will become:
Hello, Hi world!
Another example:
The original string is:
You want to replace it to 0.82217
, you can do this:
: For toggle two buffers.
for current buffer but don't save layout.
for current buffer and keep layout.
:Bde [opt]
for all
, other
, etc.
Single file change
:set ff=unix
Bulk change
npm install -g crlf2lf
For MacOS, trust the tabnine completion binaries by doing:
# Ref:
xattr -dr /Users/yusongli/.local/share/nvim/lazy/cmp-tabnine/binaries/4.224.0/aarch64-apple-darwin/TabNine
xattr -dr /Users/yusongli/.local/share/nvim/lazy/cmp-tabnine/binaries/4.224.0/aarch64-apple-darwin/TabNine-deep-cloud
xattr -dr /Users/yusongli/.local/share/nvim/lazy/cmp-tabnine/binaries/4.224.0/aarch64-apple-darwin/TabNine-deep-local
xattr -dr /Users/yusongli/.local/share/nvim/lazy/cmp-tabnine/binaries/4.224.0/aarch64-apple-darwin/TabNine-server-runner
xattr -dr /Users/yusongli/.local/share/nvim/lazy/cmp-tabnine/binaries/4.224.0/aarch64-apple-darwin/WD-TabNine
If you're in China you might need to add this into
:-- lua/ysl/localhost.lua vim.g.copilot_proxy = ''
The copilot key is stored in
It depends on curl, so you should set the environment variable
first, like this:export http_proxy='' export https_proxy="${http_proxy}"
Add your api key. You can set it into environment variable, or add to a localhost file and custom the read command (follow the official plugin README)
export OPENAI_API_KEY=your-key
- Vsplit two files left and right into different buffer or window.
- Focus to the left file, type command
- Focus to the right file, do the same command.
- To close diff mode, type command
Vsplit two buffers.
:set scrollbind
or:set scb
for each buffer. -
If you want to turn off sync scroll, use
:set noscrollbind
or:set noscb
You should comment the cond = not not vim.g.started_by_firenvim,
line for the first time. Then restart nvim, the firenvim will be installed. After installed, you should uncomment it.
If you not sure whether the firenvim is builded, you can first comment this line, then manually call :call firenvim#install(0)
to build firenvim, then uncomment it.
Then you should set the keymap Turn the currently focused element into a neovim iframe.
to <C-e>
in chrome://extensions/shortcuts
press ctrl+e
in the browser input dialogue to open nvim.
Install wakatime-cli
Install lazygit
-- Silent save.
vim.keymap.set('n', ':w<CR>', '<CMD>silent w<CR>', { silent = true })
-- No pain to read source code.
vim.keymap.set('n', 'gD', function ()
vim.fn['CocAction']('jumpDefinition', 'vsplit')
vim.cmd('normal zt')
end, { silent = true })
-- For changing hlslens `n` and `N` keys to keep the searched words in the middle line of screen.
n -> nzzzv
N -> Nzzzv