Zig build package and shims for Emscripten emsdk
Add zemscripten
and (optionally) emsdk
to your build.zig.zon dependencies
zig fetch --save https://github.com/emscripten-core/emsdk/archive/refs/tags/4.0.3.tar.gz
Emsdk must be activated before it can be used. You can use activateEmsdkStep
to create a build step for that:
const activate_emsdk_step = @import("zemscripten").activateEmsdkStep(b);
Add zemscripten's "root" module to your wasm compile target., then create an emcc
build step. We use zemscripten's default flags and settings which can be overridden for your project specific requirements. Refer to the emcc documentation. Example build.zig code:
const wasm = b.addStaticLibrary(.{
.name = "MyGame",
.root_source_file = b.path("src/main.zig"),
.target = target,
.optimize = optimize,
const zemscripten = b.dependency("zemscripten", .{});
wasm.root_module.addImport("zemscripten", zemscripten.module("root"));
const emcc_flags = @import("zemscripten").emccDefaultFlags(b.allocator, optimize);
var emcc_settings = @import("zemscripten").emccDefaultSettings(b.allocator, .{
.optimize = optimize,
try emcc_settings.put("ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH", "1");
const emcc_step = @import("zemscripten").emccStep(
.optimize = optimize,
.flags = emcc_flags,
.settings = emcc_settings,
.use_preload_plugins = true,
.embed_paths = &.{},
.preload_paths = &.{},
.install_dir = .{ .custom = "web" },
To use a custom html file emccStep() accepts a shell_file_path option:
const emcc_step = @import("zemscripten").emccStep(
.optimize = optimize,
.flags = emcc_flags,
.settings = emcc_settings,
.use_preload_plugins = true,
.embed_paths = &.{},
.preload_paths = &.{},
.install_dir = .{ .custom = "web" },
.shell_file_path = "path/to/file"
Now you can use the provided Zig panic and log overrides in your wasm's root module and define the entry point that invoked by the js output of emcc
(by default it looks for a symbol named main
). For example:
const std = @import("std");
const zemscripten = @import("zemscripten");
pub const panic = zemscripten.panic;
pub const std_options = std.Options{
.logFn = zemscripten.log,
export fn main() c_int {
std.log.info("hello, world.", .{});
return 0;
You can also define a run step that invokes emrun
. This will serve the html locally over HTTP and try to open it using your default browser. Example build.zig code:
const html_filename = try std.fmt.allocPrint(b.allocator, "{s}.html", .{wasm.name});
const emrun_args = .{};
const emrun_step = @import("zemscripten").emrunStep(
b.getInstallPath(.{ .custom = "web" }, html_filename),
b.step("emrun", "Build and open the web app locally using emrun").dependOn(emrun_step);
See the emrun documentation for the difference args that can be used.