python -m pip install patchpyro
Import patchpyro
at least one time in your script, so you'll be able to use modified pyrogram in all files of the same proccess.
from patchpyro import listen # or import patchpyro.listen
from pyrogram import Client
mybot = Client("mysession")
# any other .py
from config import mybot
# no need to import patchpyro again pyrogram is already monkeypatched globally (at the same proccess)
Just import it, it will automatically do the monkeypatch and you'll get these new methods:
- Available bound methods::
Chat.listen, User.listen
await mybot.listen(chat_id, filters=None, timeout=30)
- raises
if timeout (optional parameter) - Awaits for a new message in the specified chat and returns it.
- You can pass Update Filters to the filters parameter just like you do for the update handlers.
- E.g. &
Chat.ask, User.ask
await mybot.ask(text, chat_id, filters=None, timeout=30)
- Same of
above, but sends a message before awaiting. - You can pass custom parameters to its send_message() call. Check the example below.
Chat.asker, User.asker
await mybot.asker(chat_id, filters=None, timeout=36)
- same as
instead of raisingasyncio.TimeoutError
. - Found useful in some cases for me,
has a default timeout of 2 minutes. - You can adjust it by passing as a argument. Refer the example code given below.
sendx = await client.send_message(chat_id, "`Send me your name:`")
answer = await client.asker(chat_id, filters=None, timeout=60)
if not answer: # `None` if timeout if no reply received.
return await sendx.reply_text("How long should I wait?, Eh! Bye!")
await answer.reply_text(f"{answer.text}, That's a cool name!")
answer = await client.ask(chat_id, '*Send me your name:*', parse_mode=enums.ParseMode.MARKDOWN)
await client.send_message(chat_id, f'Your name is: {answer.text}')
This project may include snippets of Pyrogram code
- Pyrogram - Telegram MTProto API Client Library for Python. Copyright (C) 2017-2022 Dan <>
Licensed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License v3 or later (LGPLv3+)