This is an Pytorch implementation of the paper Convolutional Neural Networks for Sentence Classification, the structure in this project is named as CNN-non-static in the paper. I wrap this model to facilitate anyone who want to train and validate their own dataset with TextCNN rapidly by preparing certain format of .csv file and providing parameters from users.
Follow the following section to conduct your multi-calss or binary-class sentimental analysis.
This project is developed under following enviroment:
python 3.6
pytorch 1.2.0
torchtext 0.4.0
numpy 1.16.5
pandas 0.25.1
matplotlib 3.1.1
spacy 2.1.8
Before running the code, you need to make sure your .csv file follows the fomat with 2 column only. One for text and the other for label, the structure is depicted as follows. (you can also checked on the format of IMDB_Dataset.csv. The data under label coulmn could be numericalized or not.
text | label |
I am happy | positive |
I hate you | negtive |
There are two ways that enable to train on your dataset.
textCNN_IMDB.ipynb contains a complete procedure of sentiment analysis on IMDB dataset as provided in this repo, which will let you quickly train (Simply change the path in first line of code) with some pre-defined parameters. The version with argparser will be updated soon.
df = pd.read_csv('your file path')
Directly execute the with prefered parameters, the details of parameters is provided in following section.
python --data-csv ./IMDB_Dataset.csv --spacy-lang en --pretrained glove.6B.300d --epochs 10 --lr 0.01 --batch-size 64
--val-batch-size 64 --kernel-height 3,4,5 --out-channel 100 --dropout 0.5 -num-class 2
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--data-csv DATA_CSV file path of training data in CSV format (default:./train.csv)
--spacy-lang SPACY_LANG language choice for spacy to tokenize the text (default:en)
--pretrained PRETRAINED choice of pretrined word embedding from torchtext (default:glove.6B.300d)
--epochs EPOCHS number of epochs to train (default: 10)
--lr LR learning rate (default: 0.01)
--momentum MOMENTUM SGD momentum (default: 0.9)
--batch-size BATCH_SIZE input batch size for training (default: 64)
--val-batch-size VAL_BATCH_SIZE input batch size for testing (default: 64)
--kernel-height KERNEL_HEIGHT kernels for convolution (default: 3, 4, 5)
--out-channel OUT_CHANNEL output channel for convolutionaly layer (default: 100)
--dropout DROPOUT dropout rate for linear layer (default: 0.5)
--num-class NUM_CLASS number of category to classify (default: 2)
Pleace check out the available option for '--spacy-lang' at spacy language support and '--pretrained' at torchtext pretrained_alias
The will produce two simple plot that helps you check if there is any probelm with traning. Moreover, the best validation parameters will be stored in the same directory.
- HSU, CHIH-CHAO - Professional Machine Learning Master Student at Mila
Thanks to the information from following sources: